
Davorcoin Stop Lending Program

Posted by Pandi Ahaya on February 08, 2018

Selamat Datang di blog pribadi saya, blog ini sepenuhnya sebagai media pembelajaran dan tempat saya berbagi informasi. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan kepada teman-teman sebuah informasi mengenai Davorcoin Platform Investasi dimana platform investasi ini sama persis seperti pendahulunya yang sudah lama kita kenal yaitu Bitconnect. Davorcoin Stop Lending Program Menyusul Sang Pendahulunya Bitconnect

Platform investasi Davorcoin sama halnya seperti Bitconnect yang memberikan keuntungan harian berupa dollar ($) kepada membernya lewat program lending sesuai paket investasi yang teman-teman ikuti. Davorcoin pada tanggal 7 Februari 2018 telah mengakhir program pinjaman dengan alasan harga Davorcoin yang menurun drastis dari $180 menjadi $0.5 dalam 20 hari saja. Mereka juga telah mengirimkan email pemberitahuan kepada semua member-membernya, berikut saya lampirkan isi email dari Davorcoin :

Dear Pandi Ahaya,

We have a very important announcement to make, probably the most important one since our beginning.
We have carefully analysed the current situation of the Davor project, of lending programs, of the cryptocurrency market and of legal issues regarding lending platforms and cryptocurrencies in general.
There is no doubt for us that the DAV value has been negatively affected by our lending program because the crypto-environment has dramatically changed recently. We did everything possible to protect our platform and our amazing community.
However, DAV price still went from $180 to $0.5 in 20 days.
As a result, we have decided to change our strategy and to end our lending program that has become the only reason why DavorCoin is decreasing in value.
Most users are no longer interested in investing in lending platforms, moreover, they are increasingly concerned about legal issues.
And there is one thing we don't want which is to offer a different service to users depending on which countries/states they are coming from.
We will release today all lending packages we have and every user will be credited in his account the number of DAV he placed in his/her lending package plus a 10% bonus.
The staking pool will work as before.
There will be certainly winners and losers in this project, as in many high-risk investments. This is also true for the whole cryptocurrency market.
Our main objective now is to bring DAV price where it should be. We are going to put our efforts in transforming DAV into a strong cryptocurrency.
We have many steps ahead that could boost the DAV value.
1. High performance crypto-to-crypto trading platform. DAV will be used as trading fee.
2. Instant exchange to altcoins: you can exchange instantly DAV to many popular altcoins.
3. Partnership with crypto debit card issuers so you can use DAV to make payments.
4. Total improvement on the DAV blockchain: to support SegWit, Lightning Network and Atomic Swap, which means DAV could be accepted at thousands of Bitcoin-accepted merchants.
5. Crypto shop: You can use DAV to purchase for popular gift cards (eBay, Amazon, iTunes, Steam...)

These are only part of the list: we'll soon release the full list of what we plan to do for the rest of 2018.
We know this is a big turning point of Davor, but the crypto-world is changing very fast. Therefore it is important to adapt ourselves to remain competitive.
We're confident that this is the right way and we're just at the beginning of a bright future. We hope to receive your full support and altogether we can bring Davor to the next level.

Thank you.
The Davor.io Team

Teman-teman bisa menterjemahkan sendiri dalam bahasa indonesia menggunakan google translate dikarenakan saya juga kurang paham dengan bahasa inggris :D Kalau menurut saya sih Davorcoin bangkrut dan tidak mampu lagi memberikan profit harian kepada member-membernya yang kebanyakan investor-investor besar yang sudah tidak percaya lagi terhadap masa depan coin ini dan telah menjual coin-coin nya yang berpengaruh terhadap harga dari Davorcoin tersebut. Mungkin saja ini strategi mereka untuk Scam atau apa lah, ini hanya pendapat saya saja. Jika teman-teman punya pendapat lain tentang Davorcoin bisa berkomentar dibawah postingan ini. Saran saya sih buat teman-teman untuk tidak lagi mengikuti yang nama nya ICO Lending apapun itu walaupun dengan pendapatan hariannya yang sangat besar, dikarenakan saya sudah terlanjut invest di kedua platform ini yaitu Bitconnect dan Davorcoin saya sudah tidak berharap lagi dengan coin-coin yang telah dikembalikan ke akun saya karena dijual pun harganya sudah jatuh dan tidak ada nilai lagi dipasaran. Mending teman-teman trading dan mining saja ketimbang ikut ICO Lending.
Sekian artikel tentang Davorcoin yang telah Stop Lending Program menyusul induknya program lending yaitu Bitconnect, semoga Davorcoin tenang bersama Bitconnect dialam Scam :D

Pandi Ahaya
Komputer ArenaUpdated: February 08, 2018

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